Bringing Innovations to Artificial Intelligence

The DIAL Lab collaborates with University of Iowa Center for Macular Degeneration, the Center for Bioinformatics and Computation Biology, the Digital Humans Lab, and Center for Computer Aided Design

The IDOCS project seeks to use distributed artificial intelligence to improve the disease gene discovery process.  This project is funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Eye Institute.

This project seeks to develop multi-agent coordination and cooperation algorithms for automated landmine neutralization.

The Multiagent Systems and AIBO education research projects seeks to develop curriculum for teaching autonomous agents, multiagent systems, and object-oriented programming.

The RoboCup Soccer project uses Sony AIBO’s to develop coordination, learning, and communication algorithms for team soccer and search and rescule simulations.  This work is partially funded by Microsoft

The AI in VSR project seeks to use AI in digital human modeling and simulation to enable autonomous interactions between digital humans and real humans.  This project is funded by US Army TACOM.


RoboCup Soccer and RoboCup Rescue

Multiagent Systems and AIBO Educational Research

TeamWork for Automated Landmine Neutralization

Virtual Soldier Research

DIAL Project List