Wahle A, Ramaswamy SD, Olszewski ME, Rossen JD, Lopez JJ, Lai YG, Chandran KB, Sonka M:

Temporal Analysis of 3-D Coronary Plaque Morphology and Hemodynamic Shear Stress Distribution In-Vivo.

CVI 2002, in:

Lemke HU, Vannier MW, Inamura K, Farman AG, Doi K, Reiber JHC (eds):

Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2002).

Proceedings of the 16th International Congress and Exhibition, Paris, Springer/CARS, http://www.cars-publications.org

Number 9103, On-Line 2002

(see Note) (Paper) (Links)

Abstract: This paper reports an approach to combine multimodality fusion with computational fluid dynamics to obtain morphological data as well as local shear stress distribution from biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). From each IVUS pullback, a 4-D data set is reconstructed covering multiple heart phases. The data flow within our highly-automated system is well-defined and based on standards such as DICOM, XML, and VRML. In an ongoing study involving routinely catheterized patients, our analysis is focusing on the correlation between local shear stress distribution and plaque morphology.

Note: Due to technical problems, the manuscript was unfortunately not printed in the proceedings book. However, the organizers of the conference produced a digital version of the proceedings which also contains this paper. Please refer to the given web address or the link below.