Wahle A, Oswald H, Wellnhofer E, Beier J, Schulze GA, Fleck E:

Accuracy in 3-D Reconstruction of Coronary Vessel Systems from Biplane Angiographic Views.

S/CAR '92, in:

Brody WR, Johnston GS (eds):

Computer Applications to Assist Radiology (S/CAR '92).

Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Computer Applications in Radiology and the 6th Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology, Baltimore MD, Symposia Foundation

Page 695-699, 1992

First approach to assess the imaging geometry as accurately as possible, analysis of the different error sources in geometry determination

Abstract: A system for three dimensional reconstruction, modelling and visualization of coronary vessel systems from biplane projections is presented. The geometric reconstruction is applied to image pairs. It allows spatial views on a vessel system from different directions, as well as the exact localization of vessel points and their geometric relationships. Furthermore it is possible to determine the projection parameters for optimum imaging of a specific vessel segment, thus the patient's radiation exposure can be reduced. The geometric fundamentals of imaging and reconstruction are presented. Solutions for problems concerning the accuracy of the acquired imaging geometry and biplane correspondence have been developed. The presented work was verified with the help of both synthetical and real phantom images, and with examples from the clinical routine.