Wahle A, Wellnhofer E, Mugaragu I, Trebeljahr A, Oswald H, Fleck E:

Application of Accurate 3-D Reconstruction from Biplane Angiograms in Morphometric Analyses and in Assessment of Diffuse Coronary Artery Disease.

CAR '95, in:

Lemke HU, Inamura K, Jaffe CC, Vannier MW (eds):

Computer Assisted Radiology (CAR '95).

Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Computer Assisted Radiology, and on Computer and Communication Systems for Image Guided Diagnostics and Therapy, Berlin, Springer

Page 208-215, 1995

Assessment of diffuse artherosclerotic diseases individually for each patient (in contrast to the per-group study) (Links)

Abstract: As opposed to stenosis evaluation in coronary artery disease, where commercial QCA systems achieve high quality performance, assessment of diffuse disease is still a chal lenging medical problem. Since diffuse disease generally affects major parts of the coronary vasculature, in approaching this problem it is advised to study the spatial morphology of the coronary tree. This necessitates accurate 3-D reconstruction and quantitative evaluation. After decomposition of the reconstructed coronary arteries into a set of subtrees, it could be shown that (in controls) diameters, lengths and volumes of trunks are related linearly to the corresponding values of the sum of the perfused branches on a logarithmic scale. In diseased vessel systems these relations deteriorate.