New Research Positions for Graduate Students

Data Mining, Evolutionary Computation, and Systems Engineering
Wind Energy, Energy Control Systems, HVAC Control, Innovation, Product Development, and Manufacturing


Intelligent Systems Laboratory
2139 Seamans Center
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242 - 1527

We are expanding the research team working in the Intelligent Systems Laboratory at the University of Iowa.
Ambitious candidates for PhD and MS study should email a brief statement of interest and resume to

Start Dates:
August 2015, January 2016, and May 2016

Candidate's Research Interests    

Data mining and evolutionary computation applied to energy, product development, and manufacturing.

Candidate's Degree Objective         

          An ideal candidate should be interested in obtaining a PhD Degree or an MS Degree.
          If you are a BS/MS student, please talk to us.

Also avilable

Grauate Fellowships in Wind Energy - Apply to
Geoinformatics for Environmental and Energy Modeling and Prediction
(Email inquires to


Careers of our Graduates                         

Most of the PhD students performing research in the Intelligent Systems Laboratory have become faculty members at prestigious universities.
Some have become entrepreneurs or enjoyed rewarding careers in academia and industry.

Visit some of the lab graduates at

We hope that future graduate students will be even more successful.

Main lab page    

Main page