Contemporary Topics in ECE 55:195, Spring 2005
Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks
Instructor: A. Kruger


This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to wireless sensor networks. Students in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, and Computer Science will benefit from the course.  (more details).   There are three components to the course:

  1. I cover core material through classroom lectures.  I encourage students to ask questions, and I engage them by frequently calling on them. I often send around items (radios, motes, GPS modules, etc.) to make discussions more concrete. 
  2. Students form groups of 2-3 persons that research a topic that they are interested in, and they prepare (with my help) a lecture on that topic.  The team then gives a joint lecture.
  3. Groups of 2-3 students take part in laboratory exercises.  During the first part, I spend about about hour with a group going over the details of the lab, and providing an opportunity for closer interaction than possible in class.  Next the students perform the lab, that concludes with a report that is due a week later.   For the final lab, students propose their own ideas.


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Last updated: 05/21/2005