Thursday, April 14, 2016

A four-member student team from the UI Department of Biomedical Engineering received second place in the Student Design Showcase April 12 at the Fifth Annual Design of Medical Devices

Conference in Minneapolis, MN. The showcase promotes and publicizes excellence in medical device design by teams of undergraduate and graduate students conducted as part of their course work.

The team included Andrea Caceres, Amanda Smith, Claire Castanedo, and Molly Berringer.  All are seniors.

Their project, "Intussusception: A Pain in the Butt," involved the design of an efficient and easy to use method to alleviate intussusception (telescoping of the bowel) in children under three.

Students at the conference competed from a broad cross-section of universities, including Rice, Yale, Air Force Academy, University of Minnesota, and University of Michigan.

The world's largest premiere medical devices conference consists of four-days of career fair, scientific poster sessions and technical/scientific sessions.