Thursday, May 19, 2016

Greg Carmichael, Karl Kammermeyer Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, co-director of the UI Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, and director of the UI Informatics Initiative, is co-author of a paper published in Environmental Science & Technology, calling for collaboration to better understand how air pollution impacts health.

The article is led by Jason West, PhD, associate professor of environmental sciences and engineering at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health.

The paper is one product of a workshop involving leading researchers from two communities – air pollution science and air pollution health effects science – who traveled from multiple countries in North America, Europe and Asia to discuss new opportunities to improve the global understanding of air pollution’s health effects.

According to the paper’s authors, future policy decisions will benefit from the improved understanding such research can offer, especially when it comes to the interactions and health effects of different chemical species and source categories. Achieving this increased understanding will require air pollution scientists and engineers to work increasingly closely with health scientists.

To read the complete paper, go to